Exclusively for members: The AquaVentus working groups

  1. WG Technology
  • Focus: Discussion and exchange on new technologies in the field of green hydrogen.
  • Tasks: Monitoring technological developments, exchanging expert knowledge, discussing innovations and trends in the field of green hydrogen technologies.
  1. WG Regulatory Affairs
  • Focus: Discussion of regulatory challenges and opportunities in the context of green hydrogen.
  • Tasks: Analysis of the legal framework, exchange on political and legal developments, preparation of statements and recommendations on regulation.
  1. WG Communication
  • Focus: Communication and information about developments in the field of green hydrogen.
  • Tasks: Development of communication strategies, dissemination of information on progress and challenges in the green hydrogen industry, organization of events and workshops.
  1. WG International
  • Focus: International discussion and exchange on green hydrogen.
  • Tasks: Development of international networks, exchange of knowledge and best practices, coordination of international cooperation and projects in the field of green hydrogen.