
Currently, around 100 companies, research institutions and organizations are members of the AquaVentus Förderverein.

Kremsmüller Anlagenbau GmbH

At the beginning of the 1970s, Kremsmueller established itself in the project business in plant...


Kremsmüller Anlagenbau GmbH

Categories: Members

At the beginning of the 1970s, Kremsmueller established itself in the project business in plant engineering. The focus was on pipeline construction and mechanical assembly projects. At that time, the company consolidated its position as a premium provider with a particularly high level of expertise in welding work. The second pillar that soon emerged was the company’s pioneering role in occupational safety. Kremsmueller was often one of the first companies in the industry to implement new findings and certifications in plant engineering.

Electrical, measurement and control technology was added to the portfolio in the mid-1990s. The new division was based on the existing plant engineering services and was a logical addition from the outset. In just a few years, it was possible to establish this specialist area with the same clout as Kremsmueller’s traditional areas of plant engineering. The Apparatus Engineering division has undergone a similar development, having consistently evolved into a precision manufacturer and technology provider for plant engineering since the early 1970s.

Kreis Pinneberg

Heligoland belongs to the district of Pinneberg and thus to the smallest and at the...


Kreis Pinneberg

Categories: Members

Heligoland belongs to the district of Pinneberg and thus to the smallest and at the same time largest district in Schleswig-Holstein: in terms of area, the smallest with 664 square kilometers, but with about 317,000 inhabitants the most populous. With 8 cities, 5 independent municipalities and 36 municipalities, the district of Pinneberg is very urban. A wide range of cultural activities, attractive local recreational opportunities and a good infrastructure make the district worth living in. With around 16,000 companies from industry, trade and services, the district of Pinneberg is one of the economically strongest in the Hamburg metropolitan region.